
Other folders grade 8

Students of class 3A and 3B finished their folders inspired to the masterpieces of abstract art, colored with oil pastels. Here some of these!

Still life with oil pastels

A simple exercise to learn lights, shadow and colour shades. You draw some shapes like bottles, spheres, cups, cylinders and then you colour them with … Read more

Inspired by Rothko

  I love Rothko, I try to teach who he is and what he has done. The easiest way is to copy his works of art, his colour’s fields  and compositions. With soft pastels start creating fields of colour on white, black or … Read more

Cèzanne’s still life

From the many paintings by Cézanne dedicated to the “still life” we took some details and copying them with oil pastels, trying to imitate the … Read more

Hands at work

The hands that draw, color, mix, scratch … here are our hands to work! elisa giuliana lorenza vitaly