Warm or cool in the medieval cities

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How changes the atmosphere of an ancient city if its colors are predominantly warm or cool? Here are the drawings of the students of grade 7: the walls and towers of medieval cities, which are inspired by paintings and frescoes of 1300, were colored with felt-tip pens and pencils, choosing warm or cool colors.

If you like to buy the 5 printable worksheets of  Medieval Cities, you can fin the pdf file in our SHOP here.





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medieval cities c:w


Inspired by Matisse Cut-Outs

Watercolors inspired by Michael Craig-Martin


6 thoughts on “Warm or cool in the medieval cities”

  1. Your blog is really great. I already tried some of your ideas with my pupils.. Do you have the traced drawings or did they make them on their own? I think I saw the very first picture already somewhere?

    Thank you. tobi

    • Hi Tobi. These are from traced drawings, you saw the very first picture in my blog on a previous post. Some pupils prepared the drawings on traced paper and then we used photocopies of them. .)


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